Today We Speak, Tomorrow We March, and Then…

The We’re Not Playing Initiative is on its feet, and I couldn’t be prouder of the women and men making it happen. In multiple cities today, plays will be read in protest against an incoming administration which aims to further divide and weaken us as a nation through divisive and hateful rhetoric, petty and salacious tweets, and dangerous & reckless policy.

But today, we speak.

And we speak not only to let out the pain, frustration, and fear that threatens to overtake us – but to also bring together others in from our communities who share this growing dread as an overwhelmingly ill-prepared egoist takes over leadership of this (already great) nation.

And so today we also listen.

Because our readings, along with other theatrical protest events like The Sanctuary Project and Writers Resist (two much more far reaching events than our humble readings), are not only motivating artists to speak out on social issues, but bringing together (and activating) individuals with a shared civic-mindedness.  This is vital to making any progress as move forward.

Because the fight is just beginning.

So today as artists and audiences join together, our hope is that they gain strength and heart through shared theatrical catharsis for what lies ahead.

And tomorrow millions of women, men, and children will take part in The Women’s March in hundreds of cities across this nation (and globe) in solidarity, with hope for a better future… a future endangered by the Trump administration’s mounting grotesqueness.

This moment didn’t come at us out of the blue.  Many, many citizens have surrendered their voice, content to let others do the thinking for them, blissfully unaware as political players usurped more and more of the American Dream – But it’s time for all of us to wake up, pay attention, and break out our marching shoes, our poster board, and our bullhorns!

It’s time to gather as a community committed to equality, justice.  It’s time to organize.  It’s time to get ready.

Because today we speak, tomorrow we march, and then…

We fight.

You can attend a reading of plays from the We’re Not Playing Initiative at the following:

Read more about our project on

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