We’re back!
And we missed you!
Little Black Dress INK is thrilled to announce the theme of our third (almost annual) Female Playwrights Festival (part of our Female Playwrights ONSTAGE Project):
Planting the Seed
Just think about that for a minute.
It can mean a lot of things.
For us, it’s an integral part of LBDI’s mission – we want to plant the seed of our Project’s mission in every theater company’s creative soil because Female Playwrights are AWESOME!
I’m going to be posting submission details this week, so this post is really just to whet your appetite and tell you that we’ve got some exciting partnerships extending the festival’s reach this year, including one with the Los Angeles Female Playwrights Initiative. If you haven’t heard of them, you need to click on over to their website and acquaint yourselves! We’ve also got readings scheduled outside of Prescott, which means more playwrights are going to be heard and more communities are going to experience their work! HUZZAH!
So stay tuned! And if you’re a playwright, start thinking about what “Planting the Seed” might mean to you.