Allie Kate Elliot and Austin Olson star in Nancy Cooper Frank’s AN ANNOUNCEMENT, directed by Frank Malle.
It’s here, it’s here! Our 12 exciting, short, wacky, and wonderful new plays by female playwrights are about to take the stage at the Prescott Center for the Arts and we’re so excited we almost can’t stay within the lines ourselves! We’ve got over 20 artists working together to bring the plays to life, and when you add that to the over 70 artists who’ve contributed to the festival’s development this year, that’s a lot of creative energy coursing through this beautiful baby!
Our Outside the Lines festival is the fourth installment of the Female Playwrights ONSTAGE Project. Previous ONSTAGE festivals that have performed in Prescott include 2014’s Planting the Seed, 2013’s From the Mouths of Babes, and 2012’s Dirty Laundry.

Neal Griffin and Annabelle Veatch star in Kira Rockwell’s WITH MY EYES SHUT, directed by Cason Murphy.
This year’s festival featured readings of 36 plays in seven different locations––including Ithaca, NY, Ames, IA, Santa Barbara, CA, Sedona, AZ, Auburn, AL––with the final line-up of 12 plays receiving readings in Waco, TX, and Los Angeles, CA, and the production in Prescott.
As fans of LBDI know, we’re continually trying to expand our reach and break through barriers, which is why we selected Outside the Lines as this year’s festival theme. There is just something exhilarating about coloring outside the lines as writers and getting a chance to see our work have an effect on audiences. Considering the fact that women comprise less than 20% of produced playwrights nationally, this year’s theme is particularly on point.

Read Prescott playwright, Delia Whitehead’s interview HERE.
Outside the Lines features work by local playwright and actress, Delia Whitehead, inaddition to playwrights from Los Angeles, New York, Maryland, Texas, and San Francisco. The Prescott production will feature the talents of several local directors including Frank Malle, Cason Murphy, Julie Chavez Harrington, Mary Timpany, and Tiffany Antone, not to mention a team of incredibly talented actors in the 12 shows, promising lots of laughs and maybe even a few tears.
And I think that’s the most exciting about our ONSTAGE festivals – the delightfully broad range of genres we’re able to feature! Each play is under ten-minutes, so you really get to experience an eclectic range of work. There are also a lot of comedies this year, which makes the deeper pieces all the more powerful. There really is something for everyone in this year’s line-up.
The Outside the Lines Festival performs August 6 and 8 at 7:30, with a 2:00 matinee on August 8 and 9 (NOTE: There will not be a performance on August 7). Performances will be at the Prescott Center for the Arts located at 208 North Marina Street in Prescott.
Tickets are $15 and can purchased at the door or online at www.PCA-AZ.net
Be advised: Some plays do contain mature subject matter and language.