ONSTAGE 2016 in Prescott – We Did It!


Mary Timpany and Frank Malle in CJ Ehrlich’s THE LILAC TICKET at the Prescott Center for the Arts October 6-8, 2016

Wow… WOW!  We did it – our 2016 Female Playwrights ONSTAGE Festival rocked the stage at the Prescott Center for the Arts, thanks to a team of incredibly talented, fun, and passionate artists.

And it was awesome!

This year’s line-up was seriously one for the record books: 12 short pieces that travelled to the moon and back, made us fall in love with the sassiest and sweetest octogenarian couple ever, let us know what our boobs were really thinking, and a whole lot more.  And we did it all in under 2 hours – perfection!

Of course, getting there wasn’t a piece of cake… I was wrangling the creative circus in Arizona from Arkansas (even directing a few pieces via FaceTime and Google Hangouts) with a baby on my hip.  Which is why I owe a HUGE thank you to our Prescott team of directors, actors, and tech rock stars!  (Check out this year’s program at the end of this post)

And although we didn’t get but a few actual stage pictures, I did snap some pics of the casts backstage.  Here’s a peek at some of our awesome actors…


The cast of Rhea MacCallum’s ASKING FOR IT – Mikki Russ and Michael Holevar


Cast members Janelle Devlin, Don Langford, and Gina Steverson from Amy Drake’s MODEL BEHAVIOR


Frank Malle and Mary Timpany – cast of CJ Ehrlich’s THE LILAC TICKET


Alexes Niekamp, Kathey Derry, Jon Bryan, Mat Montgomery, Daria Chlebecek, Logan Olson, and Michael James – cast of Donna Hoke’s JACK PORK


Jon and Angi Bryan, cast of Rachel Hall’s THE MOON.


Amber Bosworth and John Spence – cast of Anne Flannagan’s THROWN FOR A CURVE


Annabelle Veatch, Michelle Grubert, and Gina Stevenson – cast of Sharon Goldner’s BAZOOKAS


Sean Jeralds and Bruce Thomson – cast of Nancy Cooper Frank’s IN THE LOOP


Robyn Allen, Kevin Nissen, Amber Bosworth (playwright), Angie Bryan, and Sean Jeralds – cast of Amber Bosworth’s HERE THERE BE CURVES


Rob White and Allie Kate Elliot – cast of Tiffany Antone’s THE EGG


Tyler Bond, Linus Porter, Don Langford, Marnie Uhl, and Katie Van Boening – the behind the scenes genies who made this year’s Prescott production possible!

Huge thanks to all of our artists and to each playwright who participated in this year’s fest!

And if you’re in NYC, don’t miss the final reading of the 2016 ONSTAGE plays: Curves Ahead, with Stairwell Theatre on October 26th!

curves-ahead-stairwell-theatreNow, time for a bit of rest before we gear up for 2017…


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