Our producers in Ithaca and Sedona had a whirlwind of a day last May 4th, and we just wanted to send out a little love to everyone working with them to bring our festival to their communities! Huge thanks to the actors, directors, and playwrights for a lovely evening of theatre on both sides of the country!
Scroll down for a few pics and e-programs…

Playwright Marella Martin (second from right) with directors Danica Kelley (to her right) and Cynthia Henderson (to her left) with the cast of NIGHT BLIND – Acting Out NY, Ithaca – NY
1-2-3-4 Jump by Kate Hawkes, Directed by Dev Ross
with actors Shondra Jepperson, Jeff Masters
Replica by Katelyn Tustin, Directed by Sarah Ann Lesslie
with actors Kayt Pearl, Mitch McDermont
You Touch Me by Gail Mangham, Directed by Nichole Garrison
with actor Kate Hawkes
After Dark by Lavinia Roberts, Directed by Nichole Garrison
with actors Terra Shelman, Ashlee Threlkeld
Rebecca on the Bus by Jennie Webb, Directed by Kate Hawkes
with actors Linda Damita, Bonnie Green, Nichole Garrison
Who She Would Have Been by Allie Costa, Directed by Shondra Jepperson
with actors Michelle Lambeau, Thomas G. Davis
Altitude Adjustment by Melanie Ewbank, Directed by Michelle Lambeau
with actors Shondra Jepperson, Jeff Masters
Technical Assistance: Bill Lyons (Speaker) and Kevin MacDermott : Operator/Set up
Thank you Joseph Schibley and Debbie Winslow of the Sedona Arts Center for your support and help. And Al Comello for great PR photos!